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Indoor Games

Kulai kulaiyaai mundirikkai

Kulai kulaiyaai mundirikkai

Kulai kulaiyaai mundirikkai is a famous game still played in villages and in schools. This game teaches the kids how to be cautious from the cheaters and how to do something without getting noticed by others. In this game players need to be cautious and know the tricks to cheat others without getting noticed.


  • More Number of Players more the fun

  • Play area mainly depends upon the number of Players

  • A towel strongly rolled like a rope

How to Play ?

  • All the players need to sit in a circle inwards seeing each other.

  • One player is  chosen to be the ‘out’ person. The ‘out’ person is selected by any choosy method.

  • The ‘out’ person should take the rolled towel and run around the circle formed by the players.

  • The ‘out’ person while running should put the towel at the back of anyone player sitting in the circle in such a way that the players sitting in the circle does not notice it and continue running. If the player sitting notices the towel is behind him he can take it and should chase the ‘out’ person and try to touch the ‘out’ person before he sits in the empty place of the player who is chasing. If he touches the ‘out’ person then he will be the ‘out’ person for the second round, if in case he sits then the player who is chasing with the towel will be the ‘out’ person and he should continue playing as in the first round.

  • If the player sitting in the circle doesn’t know that the towel is behind him the ‘out’ player running should come and pick the towel and hit the player in his back and give the towel to him and ask him to run, and he sits in that place.

  • Players sitting in the circle who noticed the towel is dropped behind a player should not say it to the concern player.

The player who is running with the towel will sing ‘Kulai kulaiyaai mundirikkai’ as a question and the players sitting in the circle will sing ‘Nariya Nariya suthi vaa’ as an answer to the question. All the players have to sing at the time they run.

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