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Indoor Games

Kokku para para

Kokku para para

Kokku para para is a famous game still played by kids between 5 to 10 yrs in village and in schools. The game gives the wide knowledge about the flying and not flying things, etc. The game teaches the kids to be cautious and to observe keenly. The game improves the kids observing power.



  • More number of players for more fun.

  • It can be played anywhere depending upon the size of the group.

How to play 

  • All the players need to sit in a circle with their hands touching the ground.

  • One player in the group will be the commander and the other players should do actions according to the commands given by the commander.

  • The commander should name an item along with the “para para” (Fly Fly), for Example if the commander says “Koku Para Para (Crane Fly Fly)” The kids should repeat “Koku Para Para” and shake their hands as crane will fly, and if he  says “Plate Para Para” No actions will be made by the players as Plate will not Fly.

  • The Players need to hear carefully what the commander says and should judge whether the commander is saying a flying object or a non-flying object and should act accordingly.

  • If any of the players from the group makes any action for object that was called by the commander that does not fly, then that player will be out for rest of the game.

  • The commander will command slowly at the beginning and will increase the speed in order to eliminate the players from the game. The last single player in the game is the winner of the game.

  • Then they start the game from the beginning for the second round.

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