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Property Games

Five Stones (Kuzhangal/ Anchankal/Kallankal)

Five Stones
(Kuzhangal/ Anchankal/Kallankal)

The game of 5 stones is believed to have originated
in Ancient Asia, during the Siege of Troy in 1184 B.C., 

Five stones is played by 2 or more players, using 5

small stones. The object is to complete a set of eight

steps. This game increases the eye sight, memory

power and builds concentration and aiming skills.

This game is also called in various names like 

Kallangal, Anchangal in villages of Tamilandu.

Things you Need

  • 5 stones of similar size

  • 2 or more Players

How to Play

You need to play set of eight steps to complete the game. The player who

completes these eight steps in minimal tries is the winner. First a player starts

the game and if he/she misses any step then the second player takes the

turn, the second player plays the game until he/she miss any step. Once all

the players in set completes playing, the second round starts, the stones

goes to the first player, he starts the game from the step he missed while

playing the first round and the game continues. The player who completes

all the eight rounds first is the winner.

Step 1

  • Throw all five stones

  • Whilst throwing a stone, pick one stone on the ground

  • Do this for all the stones on the ground

Step 2

  • Throw all five stones

  • Whilst throwing a stone, pick two stones at a time

  • Do this for the other two also

Step 3

  • Throw all five stones

  • Whilst throwing a stone, pick a combination of 3 & 1 Stones

Step 4

  • Throw all five stones

  • Whilst throwing a stone, pick all 4 Stones

Step 5

  • Whilst throwing one stone place four stones on the ground

  • Throw one stone again catch it whilst picking all four stones on the ground

Step 6

  • Throw all five stones

  • Pick two stones and whilst throwing a stone, exchange the stone in hand with one on the ground

  • Do for all the 3 stones

Step 7

  • Throw all five stones

  • Pick two stones and whilst throwing two stones, pick one on the ground and catch two falling stones with each hand

  • Do for all the 3 stones

Step 8

  • Throw all five stones

  • Opponent chooses 1 stone

  • Throw the stone in the air and seep up the remaining stones

  • Do for all the 3 stones


  • The winner of the game is the one who completes all the 8 steps.

  • A player loses his/her turn if he/she fails to complete a step or touches another stone when picking up a stone.

  • Finally, be creative, create your own steps.

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