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Property Games

Cycle Tyre

Cycle Tyre

Most of the children in villages have their own vehicle.
Yes! They have their own vehicle. All the vehicles run
by children in villages have only one tyre.


How ?

Children goto cycle repair shops and get worn out
tyres and use a stick to rotate the tyre in the road
and that the vehicle. Wherever they go they will rotate
their tyre with them. This vehicle does not pollute and
does not require fuel. When they go to nearby shop
they rotate the tyre and park it in front of Annaachi
shop, buy stuff and come back home and park it in
front of thier house. It is one of the integral parts of
their system.


Other way of playing with cycle tyre is kids break small
branches with leaves from the trees and tie it with the

cycle tyre in such a way that cycle tyre will be like a

handle and one person will sit on the branch and the

other will pull the branch, it'll be something like a cart

pulled by kids. Kids will have fun pulling the branch in

waters and in mud and in dirt.

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